August is ten and has a best friend called Christopher, a mum, a dad and a sister called Via. Christopher and August used to do everything together. They would play with August's Star Wars action figures, they would watch T.V.together. Everything. The first major thing that happens in this book is that Christopher moves away and August's mum and dad are considering school for him. Now school is a big thing for August as he has always been home-schooled by his mum. His parents end up looking at a school called Beecher Prep. The middle school Director is called Mr Tushman (oh and by the way, a middle school director isn't fancy terms for head teacher.) A few pupils from the school show August around. One is called Charlotte who, as you will later find out, gets A* in everything. Then there is Julian. He's one of those kids that really gets on your nerves but acts all nice and polite in front of the teacher. Finally there's Jack Will and, well, he's just Jack Will.
I don't really want to go into any detail about what happens next because the story kicks off round about now. It has everything though - bullying, fitting in in high school, friendships and lots more! I really think this is one of the best books that I've read (as well as Phoenix by S.F. Said.) It is suitable for all ages but maybe younger kids (ie younger than me) might not relate to it too much and is a really good read for you adults too. It's one of those stories that has just the right amount of humour and doesn't feel as if the author rushed it.
RATING: 8/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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