Ruby is an ordinary kid who goes to an ordinary school but there's one thing about her that is truely extraordinary. Her ability to solve codes. And that hasn't gone unnoticed. A secret agency called Spectrum have been watching her for some time like when she won the Junior Code Cracker championships and when she won Junior Code of the Year awards when she stunned the judges with her code that was almost impossible to break. It took them 2 weeks to crack it and she was immediately offered a place at Harvard university but she didn't accept the offer. She didn't want to become some sort of nerd. Spectrum needed to make their move.
A few years later on a normal day, Ruby receives a mysterious phone call. There is a woman with a gravelly voice on the other end. She is speaking in code. It's a secret message.
Ruby's findings lead her to a garage that shut down years ago and to a old petrol pump that when you lift it up it reveals a secret passageway. Ruby Redfort isn't scared usually. She isn't scared of spiders or sharks or vampires or..... I could go on, but the thing she is afraid of is small spaces, she is very claustrophobic. When Ruby reaches the end of the corridor there is just a dead end. Ruby waits. Suddenly, there is a powerful beam of white light that fills the tunnel. Then the dead end opens and Ruby walks in. There is a woman standing behind a desk. She explains that she is the leader of Spectrum and she is called LB. LB doesn't wear any shoes!
Ruby is soon given a tour of the Spectrum gadget room by a agent called Froghorn (the G is silent but Ruby ignores that and calls him Froggy!) and is soon drawn in by a kid called Bradley Baker's rescue watch. Everyone seems to be talking about him because he was one of the best agents Spectrum ever had. Can Ruby find out the infomation that she needs to find Agent Lopez and uncover another plot?
My favourite character in this book is Ruby because of her cocky attitude and sense of humour!
RATING: 10/10!!!